Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Story of an Evening Walk

Fields stretch endlessly,
Meeting horizon
Bringing it closer.
Egrets and pond herons
At dusk.
Doing whatever they do,
On the fields.
The harvest is over.
Ground getting ready
For the next season,
Standing immersed in water.
Sky blue glistening on the ground,
A world turned upside-down.
Shades and layers of green,
Rising in varied textures,
To meet sky again.
An evening walk,
Encounters this world,
From the road;
From the other side-
Of a barbed wire fence.
Will an evening walk do,
To cross over?
What does it take
To pull down the fence?
What is some blood
On the arms and palms?
There was one who bled;
Who bore the pain of humanity
And was crucified.
Cannot an evening walk,
Take some of that pain?
And yet,
The mind is a strange machine.
It wants more roads,
With just the right mix,
Of concrete and rustic
Lest it becomes too urban-
But still needing,
The comfort of a laid out path
For the elevating evening walk.
Which never crosses over,
To the upside-down world
Of pond herons and egrets.
That justs sits there
Seemingly doing nothing;
Except of course inspire
Philosophy & poetry.
What does it take
For these worlds to merge?
A merging seems the 'answer',
When both call
In the same voice.
But the road no longer
Holds a song.
It's a flat note,
That the road wheezes out.
Sweeter seem the raucous cries
Of the egrets
And the staccato hoots
Of the pond herons.
The evening walk
Swells in indignation and anger
At the upside-down world.
Is it just going to sit there--
Looking pretty
And calling sweetly?
Shouldn't it show the way,
To reach it?
Seems the least it can do!
The black comedy
Of wanting a path again
For the evening to walk on....
To the world of egrets and herons.
So near, yet so far.
And it will be so.
For all paths
Are but habits of memory.
And all habits
Are but self-deception.
The evening walk,
Can wear itself out,
And plonk on the roadside.
Watching the upside-down world,
So near yet so far.
Sitting there, watching.
The evening walk
Is no longer the evening walk.
Because..... It's not walking any more.
Well, duh!
Empty now.
Not knowing what to make
Of this world or that,
Or itself;
Sitting there watching.
And getting angrier by the moment.
Until suddenly,
The wind catches something--
The faint strains of a melody.
Is that acceptance
Wrapping itself around the heart?
Is that acceptance
Whispering in the ear?
Is that acceptance-
Like the smell of fresh earth
rising after the rains?
Who knows
What the morning brings?
But for now,
There is acceptance.
The evening is content to burn,
With the sun.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Dog Next Door

Its been 30 days now.....
I see him every day;
Pic by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Its just not that I see him,
I SEE him
as he barks,
when someone comes to the kitchen window -
asking for attention.
I see him,
as he barks,
going round and round -
he wants to be let out to pee.
I see him,
as he barks and makes a racket with his bowl -
he is hungry.

More than anything,
I see him
as he barks for acknowledgement,
and the people in his household
go about their chores,
emotionless, ignoring,
as he stands outside
waiting to be let in.
To be freed.  

I call to him-
a pause in the hoarse barking.
he cocks his head as he looks at me,
He goes back to his barking.
I wonder,
does he recognise a friend,
and her acknowledgement?
He is trapped in man-made hell.
By a leash not more than a metre long;
In an enclosure of about 8 X 6 ft;
And "shut up" voices from the windows.
Voices with much clout,
that no neighbourly actions for help,
have helped.
It's the German Shepherd now.
It had been a Great Dane earlier.

I see me in him.
I see him in me.
How I can trap myself
in demons of my making.
High walls rising on all sides,
that I cannot see beyond-
Even a voice or a face,
from the next door balcony
Pic from spirit-animals.com
calling helplessly -
saying "You can help yourself"
"You are free"
falls on dead skin and deaf ears.
I wonder,
whether he knows his strength.
He just has to be his ferocious best.
He may get his freedom yet,
Alive, or dead.
I wonder,
whether like me,
he keeps his keepers too.
Comfortable with hoarse barking,
from an 8X6 enclosure,
tied to a short string.
What's beyond? 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Sometimes, there comes a time
When nothing answers;

The books are done and dusted,
They have no wisdom.
Well-meaning friends
Have had their say-
There are a dozen paths to take.
None offering light.
What is left to consider,
Is one's own emptiness.
Sitting on a park bench
One can look up-
Into the patterns made by life
On the limitless blue beyond,
and breathe...
While waiting for inspiration.